Community Vasectomy Services for Oxfordshire CCG
NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) is seeking to commission a Community Vasectomy Service for patients registered with an Oxfordshire GP or residing in Oxfordshire. The Vasectomy Service will include, pre-vasectomy counselling, surgical operation and post-vasectomy testing. Service Outcomes -To provide an effective, high quality, cost effective, local community vasectomy service in line with the Royal College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians guidelines -To deliver a service with a low complication rate, specifically excessive testicular pain (under1), chronic testicular pain (under25%), hematoma (under1%), sperm granuloma (under5%), infection (under10%) -To achieve a 98% success rate each year based on seminal analysis -To provide an easy to access and convenient service for patients, which achieves the nationally defined target on the Friends and Family Test (when assigned) -To provide a complete patient focused care package; including pre and post-operative care, information, advice and counselling -To provide a service that comply with best practice, relevant accreditation processes, relevant guidelines in clinical practice and robust governance arrangements -To ensure consistent and continuous care between health professionals, and effective and efficient communication The contract will be awarded as an NHS Standard Contract for an initial 3 years with a possible extension of any period up to a further 12 months, as defined at the discretion of the Commissioner. OCCG has a maximum annual budget of £106,000 (£318,000 over 3 years), plus an optional extension of up to 12 months making the total value up to £424,000. Indicative activity levels are provided in the tender documentation.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors