Comparison of models to seek efficiencies from dual beef and milk systems (comparing performance of specialist milk/beef to heritage breed multi-use cattle)
In the beef and dairy industry, most production is delivered by a small number of specialized breeds. High productivity dairy animals are often poorly suited to beef production, and dairy/beef cross breeding increases the opportunity for calves to enter the value chain. At present it is estimated that around half of all UK beef is sourced via this route. Specialist beef production relies on dedicated suckler beef breeds, with limited capability for economically viable milk production. This study will explore the role of breeds, such as heritage and dual-purpose cattle, that currently contribute a smaller amount to overall production. These breeds are generally used in heritage enterprises as well as for conservation grazing. The products from these cattle can either go into the general production chain or are sold separately as market differentiated products at an increased price. There is potential however for this share to be expanded beyond specialist systems and in addition these animals hold potentially valuable genetic material which can be used to improve the overall stock within the UK. Aim of the research An evidence review is required to assess the potential for heritage and dual-purpose cattle breeds to provide either a larger share of the current dairy and beef production, or to use for crossbreeding aiming for certain traits to improve efficiency, animal health and reduce GHG emissions. This review would aim to identify the efficiency and suitability of different breeds to beef and/or dairy production and which ones hold potential for future breeding. Whilst accounting for a variety of conditions such as differences in diet, land management (e.g., conservation grazing, marginal grazing), climate and general management.
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