Complaints Handling Tracker
To track and understand levels of satisfaction with complaints handling on a range of criteria across the main providers* of fixed landline, fixed broadband, mobile and Pay TV services among those who have contacted their provider with a complaint in the six months prior to fieldwork. More specifically, we would like to: Report on satisfaction with complaint handling within sectors and by provider. Report on customer satisfaction by complaint type (i.e. billing and customer service, repairs and installation and service issues) for each of the main providers in each sector. Track levels of satisfaction with customer service over time. Maintaining continuity: The data provided by subsequent waves of fieldwork should be comparable with CHT data published between 2017 and 2023. While there may be need for caveats, the key purpose of this tracker is to examine trends in levels of customer service in complaints handling and compare complaints handling between communications providers - it is therefore important that agencies are able to demonstrate in their tender how they will maintain comparability with previous years.
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CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors