Comprehensive Access Information Programme
The provision of comprehensive access information enables people of all ages to confidently access venues and services, supporting independent living. Providing this detail breaks down a key barrier and offers people greater personal control, so that they can independently decide to try something new. Promotes the accessibility of places that enhance health and wellbeing so disabled people, and carers, are confident they can visit. Enables people to access their community, helping to tackle social isolation and supporting inclusive communities. Helps meet equality obligation to advance equality of opportunity and take a proactive approach to the needs of disabled people, older people and carers. Monitors accessibility improvement across the Borough, using the project to raise awareness and encourage change. Inclusively promote high streets, specific quarters, and Business Improvement Districts to maximise footfall and ensure people are aware of local assets.? Ensures areas of regeneration are inclusively designed and promoted to maximise impact and return on investment. Promotes the Borough inclusively to visitors, encouraging them to visit, return and stay longer due to the information available. The programme aligns well with the priorities of the Council in supporting its residents and its visitor offer.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors