con_6305 DfE CRU programme Managed Services requirement
DfE's Coronavirus Response Unit (CRU) is evolving from the emergency response function that was established in the early days of the crisis. There have been temporary functions established in recognition that DfE will need to respond to the challenges presented by coronavirus. Transport capacity is one of the key dependencies for the full reopening of schools and other educational settings from September. This package of work will support delivery teams across the department who lead on school, further and higher education, early years and SEND transport issues to ensure a co-ordinated approach from September 2020. It will support a small central team with facilitation, action planning and policy coherence, liaising with Cabinet Office and the Department for Transport as necessary to ensure a joined-up approach across government. To this end, the CRU requires the temporary engagement of experts - delivery manager, analyst, transport expert - to provide expertise in delivering transport capacity on a nationwide scale to all education settings and provide professional expertise and skills that are necessary to develop delivery plans and payment methods for local authorities and transport authorities.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors