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Conservation Area boundary review for Local Plan and Character Appraisal
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Guidance (PPG) requires local plans to be based upon a robust, up-to-date, and proportionate evidence base. This includes in respect of the city's heritage, and it is a statutory requirement for local planning authorities from time to time to review their Conservation Areas. Liverpool City Council has been successful in an application for funding from Historic England towards the review the boundaries of all 36 of its Conservation Areas as part of its Local Plan update and the production of three Conservation Area Appraisals - one for Stanley Dock Conservation Area and two other suburban Conservation Areas. This is intended to be the start of a rolling programme of new Appraisals being carried out for all the Conservation Areas across the City and the Appraisal produced as part of this project would become a template for this. The Council is therefore inviting suitably qualified and experienced consultants to undertake a review of all 36 Conservation Areas in the city and appraisals for 3 Conservation Areas in line with national policy and guidance, and best practice. It is envisioned that this would be a two-stage process: - Stage 1 To undertake a City-wide Conservation Area boundary review (for all 36 Conservation Areas). Stage 2 To prepare Conservation Area Appraisals for 3 Conservation Areas - Stanley Dock Conservation Area in the City Centre and two further suburban Conservation Areas - Wavertree Garden
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CPV Codes
90712000 - Environmental planning
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1 Possible Competitors