Construction of a New Workshed and External Canopy at Liskeard Cattle Market, Fairpark Rd, Liskeard, PL14 4BA
Undertake the works to construct a new workshed and external canopy with utility point at Liskeard Cattle Market, Fairpark Rd, Liskeard, Cornwall, PL14 4BA. The procurement will be on a Design and Build basis from the end of RIBA Stage 3; The site is owned by Cornwall Council and sits within a conservation area. To assist with funding drawdown, the site has been broken down in to numerous sections / phases. The project will comprise the construction of 1no. three-storey BREEAM Excellent workshed, including solar PVs, with a total GIA of circa 1,328m2. As part of the works the contractor will provide all required external and landscaping works, including planting, alterations to boundaries, provision of parking, and provision of infrastructure to the buildings. The construction of an external plant room, a cycle store, and a bin store to serve the development concludes the generic scope of construction work. As part of the RIBA Stage 4 design, or as part of construction if the conditional permission permits, the contractor must provide the design information and documentation required to discharge the planning conditions for which they are responsible on this project. The contractor will be responsible for the acquisition of all RIBA Stage 4, 5, and 6 BREEAM Credits targeted and for integration of the Cross Cutting Themes of Sustainable Development and Equality and Diversity in the design and delivery of the project.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors