Consultancy Brief - Evaluating the 'Housing First'/Individual Busget Approach to tackling Rough Slee
The Welsh Local Authority Homelessness Network is keen to explore new and innovative solutions to homelessness. As a reflection of this it has worked with 6 local authorities to submit bids to the Welsh Government to fund fresh approaches to working with entrenched rough sleepers.These bids have been successful and funding has now been agreed for four pilot areas in Wales. (Cardiff, Newport, Swansea & Bridgend and Ynys Mon & Gwynnedd) These projects will work with the most difficult to house and utilise existing support services and an individual budget approach to help them into sustainable accommodation. They also seek to work along ‘Housing First’ principles and avoid the need for individuals to plough through the ‘homelessness system’ before being accommodated. Accommodation other than traditional hostel environments will be sought wherever possible / appropriate.The purpose of this project is to evaluate the successes and failures of these four projects, develop an understanding of why and where things worked well / were unsuccessful and share these findings with local authorities and other organisations working with the homeless across Wales.
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1 Possible Competitors