Consultancy Business Support: Health and Safety Compliance, Tender for ERDF X03120PR
In order to support the delivery of the High Growth Centre ERDF project, the High Growth Centre at Thornton Science Park, University of Chester wishes to commission consultancy services to deliver business support in Health and Safety compliance to high growth businesses in the advanced manufacturing, engineering, environment and automotive sectors, as part of an ERDF project, to be delivered by 30th June 2015. The support is required to take the form of 1:1 appointments. We have a particular need to target new (pre start) businesses therefore consultants should demonstrate they have ability to tailor activity to this client group if relevant. The appointed consultant/s will be required to provide Health and Safety compliance consultancy services that will include the following suggested areas: •Responsibilities stated under legislation that apply to SME’s and start-up Businesses in relation to Safety, Health and the Environment. Including policy and laws to which all UK based companies must comply. •Accidents, Incident Reporting and work related ill health •COSSH regulations and the safe handling and storing of such materials •Risk Assessments and PPE in line with adequate controls of risks arising from your work activities •Good working practise to maintain safe and healthy working conditions •Importance of maintained plant and equipment to a good working environment •Training and monitoring in relation to Safety, Health and Environmental policies and procedures
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71317000 - Hazard protection and control consultancy services
79417000 - Safety consultancy services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors