
Consultancy for Shop Front Grant Design and High Street Branding.


Within the context of LBH's ongoing town centre improvement programme and with a view of supporting independent traders, LBH is looking to engage a specialist designer(s) with specific expertise in the design and project management of shop front improvements and town centre branding (logo design, promotional ideas and artwork) to support a 1 100 000 GBP 4-year roll out of LBH's flagship shop front grant initiative from 2015 to 2019.It should be noted that the element being tendered is that of the design, specification and project management from design through to build, including direct management of the contractors completing the work. This will also include recommendations for town centre branding.Whilst this Specification details the scope of the shop front programme within the London Borough of Hillingdon, tendering companies should note that only 2 of the town centre schemes are confirmed to date. Tendering companies are required to be suitably experienced and to demonstrate their ability to deliver good quality, affordable shop front design/branding solutions.This tender consists of x 2 Lots as detailed below. As there are potential future requirements for other town centres (i.e. further roll out is not yet confirmed) tendering companies should note that LBH retain its full discretion to award to either both or neither of the successful contractors of Lots 1 or 2 based on performance, project delivery and overall relationship management. The London Borough of Hillingdon retains the right to award some, all or none of the works described within the 2 Lots.— Lot 1 — Eastcote Town Centre — delivery to be phased over 2 years from April 2016 and covering an estimated 50-55 shops, plus future potential roll out requirements as indicated below.— Lot 2 — Ryefield Avenue, Hillingdon — delivery to be phased over 18 months from September 2016 and covering an estimated 12-14 shops plus future potential roll out requirements as indicated below.As LBH progresses through the programme LBH may roll out to further town centres subject to receiving the relevant approvals. The time scales of these schemes are yet to be defined and as such would be subject to agreement between the successful designer and LBH (potentially circa 50 shops, and additional town centre branding subject to take up and demand in the confirmed schemes).Each Lot will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender. LBH retain the right to award both Lots to a single supplier or to 2 individual suppliers. Where a single contractor is in lead place for both Lots, LBH retain the right to award the lower value Lot to the 2nd place supplier.Such a decision would be taken on the following grounds:— Resource availability to meet time scales,— Lack of design diversity evidenced to create sufficiently different look and feel to each town centre/parade,— Size and capacity of the supply chain to undertake all works within the required time scales,— Feasibility of the design being implemented within the maximum (current value 4 800 GBP grant allowance).Further detailed information can be found within the specification.


Published Date :

16th Sep 2015 9 years ago

Deadline :

12th Oct 2015 9 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors