Consultancy for the redesign of the EHCP service in Children Services SEND
The consultant shall undertake the implementation of the signed-off EHCP proposal and recommendations for a redesign of the service and the pathway development in line with requirements set out below.r r Governancer •Adhere to the governance arrangements of the programme to ensure sign off at each stage of the service redesign. r •Attend the Spend Redesign project boards every 6-8 weeks, and present to the programme board and leadership teams as required. r •Provide status reports and briefings to inform the project/programme highlight reports. r r Stakeholder management r •Engage with the SROs of the JAN & High Needs Transformation Programme, the programme team and workstream leads to develop an understanding of the local context of work and in particular the JHNTP objectives.r •Engage and drive change by gaining buy-in and ownership of the EHCP team through a collaborative and coproduction approach.r •Engage users of the service to ensure the pathway development of the service redesign is coproduced. r •Communicate with the wider Children Services directorate throughout the contract period the developments in the service changes and utilising the existing web channels, webinar forums and boards. r Interdependenciesr •Coordinate the interdependencies of the Banded Funding initiative and integrate the Graduated Pathway to the EHCP redesign to enable early intervention. r •Thresholds for agreeing to assess and for agreeing to place into special and independent special schools.r •Contributions of social care and health to plansr •Volume of Tribunals/reason for these and position of the LA and quality of defensible position.r Digitalisationr •Optimise digitalisation of case work and the service as a whole whilst ensuring integration to the wider system and interfaces. r •Integration of a compliance module to the EHCP Capita1 system for statutory requirements to be digitalised. r Evaluation and outcomes framework r •Benchmark other local authorities EHCP services for innovation and new approaches to inform and shape the re-design including regional and national scoping to measure GCC position against other LA's in terms of plans, costs, approach.r •Establish the baseline data and onward meaningful data dashboards for the service, including appropriate benchmarking tools against the national profile, including forecasting of emerging trends. r •Establish a performance management and competencies framework for the service that aligns to PDRs and training requirements and engenders a child centred approach. r •Identify knowledge and skills gaps and arrange the delivery of any relevant training. r •Establish an evaluation, quality assurance, and continuous improvement cycle and approach for the EHCP service.r r 2.Detailed deliverablesr r EHCP Pathway Redesignr •Redesign the EHCP pathway from assessment through to planning and review, removing unnecessary steps, improving communication flow, and ensuring that the voice of the child, yo
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