Consultancy on reporting of management of plastic products and materials by seabed tenants
Following the 2020 Aquaculture Review Crown Estate Scotland is introducing terms to monitor its aquaculture tenants’ performance through an annual reporting obligation in the seabed lease. This requires submission of reports on one or more co-existence and/or stewardship topics specified in the Schedule to the Lease that reflect current issues and priorities for management of this nature. Further information about CES aquaculture leasing and the aquaculture review can be found on CES web site. One of these requirements will be for all tenants to report annually on the use and management of plastic equipment and that containing plastic (‘marine plastics’) used on the leased subjects. (“Management of Plastics”) This obligation includes submission of a separate annual declaration of equipment deployed on leased sites and an attestation as to its good order in lieu of a restoration bond. Crown Estate Scotland is seeking to commission work to develop a methodology and an accompanying standard template to be used by tenants to meet the reporting obligation described above. This must provide for a comparison over time of the increase or decrease in plastic, in its various product forms, used on leased sites and of the use different disposal routes for redundant items (disposed. recycled, re-use or sale).
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