Consultancy Opportunity: Achieving net-zero GHG emissions in the UK
The UK government recently took the first step in showing climate and environmental leadership through a legally-binding net zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050 and a commitment to leave the environment in a better state for the next generation. Last year WWF UK commissioned Keeping it Cool ( The report produced two net-zero pathways 2050 and 2045. While we believe the end date for net zero should be brought forward significantly to 2045 at the latest, we are calling for immediate bold policies and financial commitments to fairly and democratically transform all sectors of the economy and restore our natural landscape over the next 18 months. WWF is calling for proposals from suitably experienced consultancy firms to produce a new report that will build on the Keeping it Cool report and the Climate Change Commission's net-zero advice to map out the levels of public investment and policies needed to be on track for the net zero transition, in a way that works for both people and nature. For more information about the scope of the requirements and indicative timeframes, please read the attached Terms of Reference. To respond to this opportunity, interested parties should set out their proposed approach and methodology, their relevant experience, an outline project plan and full costs and expenses. All responses to this call for proposals should be submitted to no later than 10am on Thursday 22nd August 2019.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors