Consultancy Service to Review the Pontypool Regeneration Strategy
Torfaen County Borough Council (TCBC) is seeking to appoint suitably qualified consultants to undertake the first 5-year review of the Pontypool Regeneration Strategy, and produce an action plan for the next phase of projects.The Strategy is aiming to deliver key outcomes for the town which are focussed on:(1) Increasing footfall (in the town, park and market);(2) increasing business confidence (current businesses as well as potential inward investors);(3) diversifying the usage of the town centre;(4) improving opportunities for employment and training;(5) improving town users perceptions (including community safety)The Strategy is to be reviewed every 5 years. An action plan of priority projects should be produced during each review.The successful consultant will undertake the first 5-year review. It will:1. Review, update and likely refine the Objectives and Outcomes in light of;(a) Changes in strategic regeneration policy within both TCBC and Welsh Government(b) Prevailing economic conditions(c) Funding, with particular reference to the Referendum on leaving the EU; and(d) The experience of project delivery to date.2. Review the “Town Centre Framework” and “People Frameworks” to assess whether they are still valid in the context of changes above3. Produce an additional “Town Diversification” Framework which will consider how properties can be used differently by TCBC and partner organisations to offer a more diverse but sustainable range of facilities and services which attract footfall into the town4. Following the review of objectives and frameworks, work with the Project Team to produce an Action Plan of Projects for the second 5-year period.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
73220000 - Development consultancy services
79411100 - Business-development consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors