Consultancy services for business planning and activity support
KEY TASKS IN DELIVERING THE COMMISSIONAdvise on and assist in coordination of the plans for the projecta.Support the client, project team and design team in the design process so as to ensure that the resulting scheme for the Island Site meets the commercial and sustainability objectives of the Trust.b.Provide interpretation planning services to the completion of the development phase, providing and working with interpretation designers as required to develop proposals for the way in which the new interpretation in the Site will further enhance the historical significance and sense of place for visitorsc.Assist in ensuring that designs/proposed activity are fully costed and that the project represents value for money and can be achieved within known resources.d.Developing, preparing and issuing business case updates for client/funders as required to enable progress through key decision making steps.e.To provide general support to the Trust and its Project Coordinator and team in the Organisation/co-ordination and delivery of the project to ensure its full success and progress in meeting targets and timetables.Viability and Business planning supportGeneral business planning activitya.Advise on and contribute to the development of all aspects of the business plan for the Site and preparation by the end of the development stage a compelling Project Business Plan to HLF guidance specification and to the satisfaction of the Trust to enable delivery.Market appraisal, design and operating considerationsa.Preparation of a market appraisal demonstrating that the Site can be viable in respect of commercial workspace and retail development, showing how it will meet the needs of existing visitors to the town and attract new businesses and visitors.b.Carry out relevant market research in qualitative and quantitative forms to evidence and support the market appraisal.c.Ensure the involvement of local people and potential commercial occupants in the development of business and activity plans.d.Secure such specialist catering and retail advice as is required to fully test the market and bring (points 2-2) into a coherent single trading plan and that analysis is made to show how provision on the Island Site will not displace activity in the town.e.Support the Trust and its Operator Partner in agreeing a full organisation design for the new Site and its management and operation, costs and incomes, and support the partners in drawing up on this basis a Heads of Terms Agreement for their contract for operation.Support the development of the Activity and Action Plansa.Develop a coherent and detailed set of plans to HLF specification for their required Activity and Action plans.b.Ensure that all costings (including action plans) and any planned staff roles are fully integrated into the Project Business Planc.Assist in the development/preparation of outputs and outcomes for the project to demonstrate and the case for funding and support from a wide range of sources.d.Development of a manageable/practical evaluation framework to help demonstrate the impact of the project.e.Support all aspects of the Round 2 application in describing and detailing programmes of activity, staffing and resourcing of the planned delivery stage, launch and operation of the Site.HLF financial appraisala.Address fully the tests proposed by HLF in their guidelines for Financial Appraisal in heritage projects and specifically in the Heritage Enterprise guidance in respect of any and all commercial services.b.Lead the development/preparation of a Project Business Plan to HLF specification.c.Coordinate the commissioning of such valuations as are required by HLF under their Viability appraisal guidelines:•Production of the appraisal which confirms the opening and closing valuations of the Site,•Quantification of any developer returns and other costs, ascertains from the Design Team and Quantity Surveyor the costs of development and•Establishment to the satisfaction of all relevant parties and HLF a conservation deficit calculation and full viability appraisal.HLF Round 2 Heritage Enterprise submission (other funding submissions)a.Assist the Trust, Project Coordinator and Developer/Operator Partner in the preparation of the HLF Round 2 application.b.Support the preparation of any other related funding applications to ensure a completed match-funded package at the point of Round 2 application.Post Round 2 approvala.Subsequent to a Round 2 approval by HLF, provide such services as may berequired to support the delivery of the project.KEY OUTPUTS FROM THE COMMISSION:a.Appropriate support and input into client and design team meetings up to HLF Round 2b.Local public/business engagement activityc.Evidence based market appraisald.Business and activity plan – to reflect HLF specification for Round 2 submissione.Development Appraisal – to reflect HLF specification for Round 2 submissionf.Evaluation framework including outputs and outcomesNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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