Consultancy Services for PFI Financial Model Review and Update (Further Competition Under ESPO Framework 664_21 Lot 2d)
The outline scope of the services required is that Cambridgeshire County Council (the "Authority") and Thalia WB SPV Limited (the "Contractor") entered into a PFI contract for the provision of waste services which came into effect in March 2008 (the "Contract"). The parties will shortly be agreeing a deed of variation to amend the Contract, involving, amongst other things, changes to waste processing facilities, the maintenance provisions, the contract main body, service proposals/method statements and payment mechanism. The financial model (or base case) was developed during the procurement period and forms part of the final Contract. This financial model was updated and amended in 2020 to capture previous legislation and service changes. The Authority and the Contractor are currently in the process of amending the contract to reflect the impacts of the Industrial Emissions Directive requirements and the need to deliver works to the waste treatment facilities that reduce emissions to comply with revised permit conditions. These changes will need to be captured in a revised financial model and Project Agreement. The Authority would like assistance in negotiating and agreeing the amendments required to the Contract. The Authority is seeking an organisation/individual with expertise in PFI financial models who can advise and support the Authority and work with its legal advisors to identify, negotiate and agree the changes required, review and advise on the mathematical accuracy of the amendments to the financial model and evaluate whether the revised model correctly and accurately reflects the amendments required to the waste processing facilities
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors