Consultancy Services for the development of the next phase of the LCR Net Zero Delivery Plan process
LCRCA wishes to appoint a suitable organisation and/or consultant to lead the development of the next phase of the LCR Net Zero Delivery Plan process. The appointed supplier will be expected to: • Produce the LCR Net Zero Delivery Plan, in conjunction with LCR stakeholders and LCR CA staff members, providing both policy coordination and writing support. We envisage the plan will include a series of targeted SMART actions that will accelerate progress in delivering our net zero ambitions • Link closely with LCRCA colleagues to proactively engage with local and regional stakeholders as directed in order to support the collection of insight, evidence and opinion which will be critical in shaping the development of the plan. • Pragmatically analyse and assess the full range of potential environmental opportunities and challenges facing the City Region - prioritising the most important activities and potential projects through a robust and blended approach based upon an objective set of criteria related to: strategic fit, deliverability, value for money, potential impact. The supplier will need to be familiar with the national policy landscape including net zero strategy and funding streams, in order to identify where this national context aligns with local action. • Given the breadth of the environmental policy space it is not expected that suppliers will have expert knowledge in all potential subject areas however knowledge of a wide range of key themes highlighted within the LCR Pathway to Net Zero is essential. The supplier will be expected to possess insight on potential environmental themes, technologies and approaches to ensure that the Plan is cognisant of latest industry and academic thinking. Total contract length is anticipated to be 4 months (subject to agreement). In order to meet our internal governance criteria, it will be necessary for a final draft Delivery Plan to be produced by end August 2022. A short extension to the contract might be considered, if necessary. This is a call-off from lot 9 (Safety, Quality & Environmental C
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors