Consultancy Services - to analyse the digital presence and capacity of SME retailers in market towns
Norfolk County Council wishes to procure consultancy services to assess the digital skills, selling web presence and social media competency of small and medium sized retailers in Norfolk’s market towns. We would also like to assess the support and capacity for Local Investment Boards and Virtual Marketplaces in our market towns.In June 2021, Norfolk County Council applied for funding to the Community Renewal Fund for the programme ‘Sustainable Towns Innovating Norfolk’s Growth’.OutputsThe project consists of four feasibility studies:1.Evaluate the e-commerce presence, digital and social media competency of businesses across Norfolk’s 21 designated Market Towns. Establish local capacity for Local Investment Boards and Virtual Marketplaces as identified in the emerging Norfolk Rural Strategy 2021-24.2.Bring together the learning from successful community approaches to e-commerce, such as the virtual marketplace model from across the UK and propose the characteristics of a bespoke solution for Norfolk’s market towns.3.Evaluate and establish possible sites for green distribution centres/hubs; integrate those sites with EV charging and possibly electric generation; investigate roles of the hubs in the areas of packaging and recycling.4.Work to establish pilot Local Investment Boards in North Walsham and Fakenham.This TenderThis tender is for the first of these outputs, namely the evaluation of the e-commerce presence and digital and social media competency of businesses across Norfolk’s 21 designated Market Towns.Outcome of the ProjectThe outputs from this project will form the basis for future interventions – specifically on improving digital skills, capacity, presence for SME retailers in our market towns – including projects bidding into the Shared Prosperity Fund from 2022.
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1 Possible Competitors