Consultant for bespoke advice on options for purchase and installation of solar photovoltaic / renewable energy systems
Tendring Council are looking to obtain bespoke advice focussed mainly on installing solar PV on our office and leisure buildings. We would also be interested in advice on other renewable energy options if the consultant feels they are appropriate for the circumstances. We want impartial advice to develop a business case for investment in solar that reduces carbon and provides a financial return at a scale deliverable for a district council of our scale. If the Council agrees to proceed with particular options, we will want advice on implementation. We will require the consultant to: Stage 1 - Provide impartial advice on the options available for solar PV and other renewable energy generation on council buildings including the housing stock. The Council will then select which options if any to pursue. In addition, we would like advice on grant funding streams that are available for renewable energy schemes. Stage 2 - Develop detailed business cases and implementation plans for agreed options for installation of solar PV or alternatives at council owned assets, including any additional resource required to manage delivery. The Council then decide on which business cases, if any, to pursue further. Stage 3 - Based on options selected from Stage 2 by the Council to pursue further, to develop a specification to put out to tender for the installation. Stage 4 - Provide advice during the implementation of any options, to ensure informed decisions are made during the implementation phase.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors