Consultant Support for the Review of Customer Experience
Sutton Housing Partnership (SHP) is an Arm's Length Management Organisation (ALMO) providing a repairs and maintenance service to residents living in 7,500 homes in the Borough, with a portfolio ranging from high rise estates, small residential blocks and street properties. It is a high performing ALMO with aspirations to be the best and deliver outstanding services to each and every resident. SHP wishes to contract with a company who will be able to deliver: - A review of the customer experience and journey of our residents to support the future operations delivery model and compliance with the Regulator for Social Housing Consumer Standards, tenant satisfaction and perception measures from April 2023 - To undertake a review of all the access points into SHP, and to provide options for the future service delivery model for customer services with a summary of each explaining the benefits and implications. These should include high level costs versus the current operating model. - To review all the transactional hand-offs for enquiries and impact on the customer journey and make recommendations to reduce hand-offs and costs with the aim of achieving 80% completion of enquiry at first contact - A high-level review of the current CRM module implementation in NEC [Northgate Housing Management System] 1 year after implementation to provide assurance the CRM system is being utilised to its full potential - Review current customer satisfaction measures, collation of feedback using existing technology and capability of the website and to recommend a performance management framework - Provide recommendations for customer service learning and development for all front line and back office colleagues - Engage with service users for their feedback of their experience of the SHP service - Provide a report of recommended actions and an implementation plan for short, medium and long term improvements - Provide a summary of the support provided for implementation of the recommendations. Reference DN646958
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors