Consultant to Manage Wave and Tidal Operators Panel (Up to 3 Years)
Crown Estate Scotland manage two Operators Agreements in Scotland relating to wave and tidal energy projects: one for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters area and one for the remainder of the waters around Scotland. These Operators Agreements were set up due to a recognition that there is insufficient data at present to determine the consequential effects of devices that capture wave and tidal-stream energy. The sector has been unable to determine definitive parameters to be stipulated to protect the resource upon which the efficiency of their proposed operations will depend and therefore a method for resource protection has not yet been agreed within the sector. The Operators Agreement acts as a framework to ensure the Founding parties could proceed with their projects at the time whilst ensuring as new development opportunities arise that there is a requirement for them to comply with the requirements of the Operators Agreements. The Operators Agreements also recognise that the good management of generation operations and opportunities is enhanced by an effective and common standard of communication between Operators whilst observing the requirement for commercial confidentiality, where appropriate. An Operators Panel was previously established in 2012 relating to the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Operators Agreement, but the Panel has not met for many years. The Operators Panel relating to the Scottish Waters has never convened. Due to more recent progress in the tidal energy sector, there is now a significant amount of operational data and interest in development sites is increasing. Crown Estate Scotland wish to procure technical support to reinstate the Operators Panel, investigate the option of combining the two Operators Agreements and develop a future work programme for the Operators Panel to further understanding of the methods available for assessing resource extraction, potential consequential effects on neighbouring developments and resource protection mechanisms. The Operators Panel Manager will be responsible for providing technical advice and ongoing support to drive: 1. The reinstatement and ongoing delivery of the Operators Panel including coordination between Operator Representatives and Panel Members; 2. Progress the review of and potential combining of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Operators Agreement and Scottish Waters Operators Agreement into a single agreement (subject to review and agreement from parties of the Operators Agreements, where required); and, 3. Development and delivery of a future work programme for 2024-2026 agreed with Panel Members.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71621000 - Technical analysis or consultancy services
79994000 - Contract administration services
71314000 - Energy and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors