Consultant to research, produce, interpret and deliver heritage interpretation in Gwydyr Forest
The Conwy Rural Partnership (CRP) was formed in early 2000 and arose from the first meeting of the Conwy Rural Forum. The Partnership’s roles were to co-ordinate & develop initiatives that supported or benefited rural communities.The CRP has since strengthened itself to lead on the local implementation of the Rural Development Plan (RDP) for Wales 2007-2013 & the wider coordination of rural development activities. It has equal representation of the public, private, community & voluntary sectors with an interest in rural Conwy.Funding has been secured on behalf of CCBC under Axis 3 of the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007 – 2013. Part financed through the Welsh Assembly government/ EU and funded through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. This project requires the undertaking of two elements of the original action plan.The project will be run in cooperation with FCW, all elements must ensure to meet the CCBC and FCW agreement.Conwy County Borough Council wishes to appoint a suitably qualified specialist with an enthusiasm in sustaining and uncovering local history and heritage; to research, produce, interpret and deliver this element of the RDP in Gwydyr Forest (heritage interpretation). Incorporating the requirements for bilingual responsibilities to befit the area’s community, and considering sustainability at all times.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92521100 - Museum-exhibition services
92310000 - Artistic and literary creation and interpretation services
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
35261000 - Information panels
63513000 - Tourist information services
Status :
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High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors