Consultants and Legal Services Framework Agreement.
Construction-related services. Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs. Supervision of building work. Supervision of project and documentation. Building consultancy services. Building surveying services. Health and safety consultancy services. Quantity surveying services. Construction supervision services. Contract administration services. Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis. System implementation planning services. Auditing services. System quality assurance planning services. Architectural and related services. Advisory architectural services. Architectural design services. Architectural services for buildings. Landscape architectural services. Monitoring and control services. Survey services. Consultative engineering and construction services. Structural engineering consultancy services. Ground investigation work. Value-added information services. Residential property services. Energy and related services. Energy-management services. Legal services. Legal advisory and representation services. Legal advisory services. Legal representation services. Legal documentation and certification services. Legal advisory and information services. Residential property renting or leasing services. Building sale or purchase services. Land sale or purchase services. Vacant-land purchase services. The Authority wishes to procure a framework agreement pursuant to which it is envisaged that contracts will be let to consultants and solicitors within the framework for a provision of a range of the following services which will be divided into 20 Lots.These Lots, a summary of the types of suppliers that will be called off under each of them and the total estimated value of these over the 4 year Framework term are set out in the 'Information About Lots' section of this Notice and the PQQ. Applicants should indicate which Lot(s) they wish to be considered for inclusion into.Under the Framework Agreement CWHT will have the option to call-off contracts with individual contractors as and when works and services are required. In addition other Social Housing Providers in the UK (both those that are in existence now and those that may come into existence during the term of the Framework Agreement) will also be entitled to call-off contracts under the Framework Agreement. ‘Social Housing Provider’ for this purpose means any provider of social housing and includes registered housing providers, local authorities, local government ALMOs and unitary authorities. A list of these can be found by visiting Such Social Housing Providers will only be entitled to call off under the Framework Agreement if CWHT consents.Applicants should note that, under the Framework Agreement, CWHT (and other Social Housing Providers) shall not be under any obligation to call-off contracts with individual contractors.Consultants Services include:Lot 1 Project ManagementLot 2 Clerk of WorksLot 3 Building SurveyingLot 4 Architects for new build and refurbishment workLot 5 Landscape ArchitectsLot 6 Health and SafetyLot 7 Housing Stock Monitoring and AppraisalLot 8 Building Engineering ServicesLot 9 Structural Engineers ServicesLot 10 Ground Investigation ServicesLot 11 Valuation Surveys Services.Lot 12 Energy and UtilityThe value of the Consultancy Services contracts that may be called off under the Framework Agreement during its 4 year term is estimated to be approximately GBP 8 000 000. Applicants should note that this estimated value is based on CWHT's current anticipated requirements. This value may increase if other Social Housing Providers decide to join and call off under the Framework Agreement.Legal Services include:Lot 13 Legal Services for Anti-Social Behaviour.Lot 14 Legal Services for Housing and Tenancy Management.Lot 15 Legal Services for Governance.Lot 16 Legal Services for Employment.Lot 17 Legal Services for Leasehold Properties.Lot 18 Legal Services for Land and Property Sales.Lot 19 Legal Services for Contract and Procurement.Lot 20 Legal Services for Development of New Accommodation.The combined value of the contracts that may be called off under the Framework Agreement during its 4 year term is estimated to be approximately 1 400 000 GBP. Applicants should note that this estimated value is based on CWHT's current anticipated requirements. This value may increase if other Social Housing Providers decide to join and call off under the Framework Agreement.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
71310000 - Consultative engineering and construction services
72224100 - System implementation planning services
79112000 - Legal representation services
70210000 - Residential property renting or leasing services
71700000 - Monitoring and control services
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71500000 - Construction-related services
71420000 - Landscape architectural services
72224200 - System quality assurance planning services
71315200 - Building consultancy services
71248000 - Supervision of project and documentation
79130000 - Legal documentation and certification services
71200000 - Architectural and related services
71520000 - Construction supervision services
71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services
64216210 - Value-added information services
79311000 - Survey services
79110000 - Legal advisory and representation services
79212000 - Auditing services
79140000 - Legal advisory and information services
79100000 - Legal services
71315300 - Building surveying services
79994000 - Contract administration services
71324000 - Quantity surveying services
71220000 - Architectural design services
71247000 - Supervision of building work
70121000 - Building sale or purchase services
45111250 - Ground investigation work
79111000 - Legal advisory services
71241000 - Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
70331000 - Residential property services
71314000 - Energy and related services
70122000 - Land sale or purchase services
71210000 - Advisory architectural services
70122210 - Vacant-land purchase services
71314200 - Energy-management services
71244000 - Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors