Consultants Brief - Brymbo's Heritage Renaissance: Building Our Foundations
Brymbo Heritage Group is a community organisation striving to bring buildings associated with the former Brymbo Steelworks complex back into reuse. The group has built considerable support for its vision to establish a heritage centre, learning centre and commercial hub on the site and has recently worked with the Prince's Regeneration Trust and Heritage Lottery Fund to develop a phased master plan for the area.We are now seeking input from suitably experienced consultants to help us outline our business and operating models. The outputs required from this commission to produce a report which:Considers and appraises options for the use of a series of former industrial buildings as Phase 1 of the master plan for Brymbo Heritage Area;Considers and outlines the revenue earning potential and likely levels of related expenditure for the anticipated three principal strands of income (as a visitor attraction, as a learning centre, and as a small business hub);Considers and appraises options for delivering Phase 1 in partnership with one or more strategic partners;Considers and appraises options for the governance, company structure and staffing structures required to deliver Phase 1; andCollates the above considerations into a single business model with accompanying narrated ‘worst’, ‘target’ and ‘best case’ financial performance scenarios.This commission is the subject of a current bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund, the result of which is due before the end of December. We are keen to progress the commission immediately in January, and expect it to be complete within 3 months.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors