Consultants Brief - Mold Signage Strategy
To set out a detailed strategy for vehicle and pedestrian signage within Mold that allows visitors to access appropriate destinations whilst positively contributing to the overall visitor experience.The aim of the project is to review and propose a strategy for improvement of signage within Mold so as to enhance the overall impression of the town as a destination of choice for visitors, to improve directional clarity, and to enhance the overall appeal of the town to residents.In addition and where appropriate and possible, to enhance the distinctiveness or brand of Mold to a standard that is commensurate with the town being a principle visitor destination in north-east Wales whilst also meeting requirements of other initiatives.The Strategy will consider highway signage (as addressed by the Traffic Signs Manual) and also municipal/local authority signs (principally -but not exclusively -directional and information signage) both on-highway and on non-highway land, notably in car parks and public spaces. Due cognizance is expected to be given to the conclusions of Traffic Advisory Leaflet 01/13 (January 2013) – “Reducing Sign Clutter” and other pertinent best practice.The scope of the project extends to the limits (and just beyond if necessary) the defined Mold town boundary. (see attached plan)The consultant will be required to assess options with indicative budget cost outlines.The findings and recommendations made in Strategy will then be used as the basis of an implementation programme of works as and when funding becomes available.See attached brief
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