Consultation and Analysis of Proposals for Review of Deaths in Detention
To carry out a public consultation on proposals for a system of review when people die whilst subject to a mental health act order The successful supplier will work with Commission staff to refine the questions in a consultation survey and carry out the survey using their own software/license. Any data on the supplier software must be stored in the EU and preferably in the UK. This consultation will take the form of an online public survey with around 15 questions relating to the proposals. The Commission will develop these further with the successful supplier. As part of the consultation activities, The Commission would look for the successful supplier to run a series of three online engagements that will be open to the public and other interested sectors. The Commission will help develop these further with the successful supplier The Commission will circulate the link to the survey and online engagements through its stakeholder databases and promote the consultation on its website and Twitter.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors