Consultation event for current and potential providers of advocacy services across Cambridgeshire County
Cambridgeshire County Council is taking the implementation of the Care Act 2014 as an opportunity to commission a new integrated advocacy service delivered through a single contract across Cambridgeshire. This will replace the current seven individual advocacy contracts which are held with various providers. In addition the Council is required to provide advocacy for carers. The Council has no preference for what the new single advocacy service will look like. We are running a consultation with people who currently use advocacy services or may do so in the future, as well as current and potential providers, for their views on what would make a good and effective single advocacy service. The Council will use this feedback to help design the new single advocacy service. The consultation is running from the 13th July to 12th October 2015 and an online survey can be found on the County Council website: There will be a consultation event for current and potential future providers of advocacy services on Tuesday 15 September, 09.30 – 12.30, at the Cambridge Professional Development Centre. To book a place at this, please email by Friday 28 August.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors