Containers for transport of donated whole blood and platelets from collection session venue to Blood
NHS Blood & Transplant (NHSBT) requires a container to transport and maintain temperature of donated human whole blood and platelet concentrates. The proposed solution must be robust, hygienic, cost effective, space saving, simple and safe to operate. Manufacturers will be required to provide validation data showing details of container temperature performance.Containers must be capable of— Maintaining the surface temperature of blood packed donations at =20°C only with no upper limit.— =20°C for a total duration of 11 hours, of which 8 hours at an ambient temperature +16°C during the blood collection session, plus 3 hours ambient temperature -5°C (winter only)during transportation to manufacturing unit.— The total weight of the container plus maximum payload must be below or equal to 12 KG.— The container must hold the maximum payload of 10 blood units (each whole blood unit weighs 900 g, volume 589 ml, size 12 cm (w) x 20 cm (h) x 10 (b). Total payload is 9 KG— The container must not require any temperature stabilisation inserts to be added in order to maintain the minimum surface temperature requirement of =+20°C, the starting blood temperature of +30°C.
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CPV Codes
34221000 - Special-purpose mobile containers
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors