Contract Award Notice: Methane Monitoring Data Supply
This contract is for the purchase of data generated by satellites on where, when and by how much methane emissions are made across the UK and internationally. This includes a substantial archive of data and an ongoing delivery of new data from satellites tasked by UK customers. This contract allows multiple users to access the data via the vendors service platform. Deliverables include: - Abundance dataset: Access the abundance datasets for select locations (approximately 5,000 images); a multi-layered image containing methane concentration amounts and surface reflectance. Spatial resolution is less than 50m. - Concentration map: Access to concentration maps of methane emissions. Spatial resolution is less than 50m. - Archive data which is historical satellite data from at least the previous two years and for select countries (i.e. spatial extents). - Marketing demand creation and marketing: Marketing campaigns undertaken at six monthly periods. - Business support activities: Delivery of at least five business sprint sessions. - Technical support: Delivery of at least three training sessions over the course of the contract. - Guidance documents to supplement training: Provision of guidance documents covering data access requests and other user requirements - Programme management: Responsibility for management of key subcontractor and overall coordination of the programme. The team are expected to respond to requests for support from the Contracting Authority within 2 working days. Reporting: Quarterly reports on KPIs, data use and impact statements.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72319000 - Data supply services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors