Contract 31 - Fire Door Sets 2024-2026
The Authority invites suitably experienced providers for the above Framework for skilled service to provide Minor Building Works Services to Schools and Public Buildings.r r This Framework Contract will ensure availability of skilled Contractors to deliver the Planned and Reactive Service requiring differing values and complexities as required for the Framework Contract and is for an initial two year duration with the option to extend for up to twelve month at a time, twice at the sole discretion of the Authority. It is anticipated up to three Framework suppliers will be appointed.r The operation of the Framework is included in the Authority Requirements.r r Successfully awarded Contractors will be required to work together with North Tyneside Council (the Authority) to drive improvements and support the aims and ambitions of the Contract.r r The works required under this Framework can include, but is not exclusively limited to the following, however, the exact nature of the individual works to be undertaken under the Contract, will be detailed at the point of the request notification including detailed scope of works, design documentations, specifications, program dates and pricing documents:r r • Liaison with Authority Design Team, Estimators, Authorised Officers and other Contractorsr • Production measurements, repair of certified fire doorsr • Installation of new joinery items and new certified fire doorsr • Inspection, reporting, adjustments and repairs to existing fire doorsr • Joinery repairs and replacements including accessories, ironmongery and closersr • Accredited Certification of worksr r This could also involve other planned and reactive investment works requiring services to be completed in ether of the following forms; Operational, schools, commercial and any other properties owned by the Authority or its subsidiaries which may also include properties for sale. The specific Projects details that may be procured under this Framework Contract cannot be clearly defined at this stage, however, some additional detail is provided in the Tender documents in the form of volumes and values.r The Authority will liaise with the Successful Framework Contractors(s) to commence the Framework as soon as possible after Award.r Interested Suppliers must access the Tender documents for further information, which are available to download immediately in the NEPO Portal after registering an interest via the link below. Unregistered Suppliers will be re-directed to a registration page, registration is free,please refer to the additional information for the link to the NEPO Portal.r Interested suppliers are recommended to fully read the full tender pack which is available to download immediately upon registering an interest in this opportunity, unregistered suppliers will be re-directed to a registration page.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors