Contract for the Calibration of High Pressure Meters
Northern Gas Networks (NGN) operate gas offtakes sites. These sites use a combination of different fiscal metering types to calculate the volume of gas passing through site. NGN are required to have the High Pressure (HP) Meters calibrated at a UKAS accredited facility at predetermined intervals.The service provider must deliver static high pressure 6-point calibrations using natural gas across a range of meter types, sizes and flow rates. These will include ultrasonic, turbine and orifice plate meters. Calibrations may require the inclusion of customer provided metering spool pieces and flow conditioners. The service provider must be UKAS accredited. Calibration certificates must include meter correction factors and applicable calibration conditions such as flow rates and temperatures and all applicable meter information.A Call for Competition was issue via an Express of Interest (EOI) in Achilles on 19th January 2023 to seek competition for the calibration of the HP Meters. One company came forward to offer their in-house services, no other viable competition responded to the EOI, which closed on 31st January 2023. On these grounds a competitive tender will not be ran for the provision of calibration of the HP Meters.This work will not be outsourced due to the operation risk to NGN.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
50433000 - Calibration services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors