Contract for the Provision and Operation of a Material Recovery Facility and Delivery Points
Gateshead Council, South Tyneside Council and Sunderland City Council have formed The South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership to implement their waste management responsibilities jointly and are represented by Gateshead Council as the lead Authority. Gateshead Council on behalf of Gateshead Council, South Tyneside Council and Sunderland Councils for the Provision and Operation of a Materials Recovery Facility/ies to include haulage and processing of Authorised Materials and Delivery Points. The requirements of the contract are:- Lot 1 - Gateshead •The provision of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to process and sort collected Materials. •The provision of a suitable supporting Delivery Point(s) which will receive the Authorised Materials delivered by Gateshead Council and from which the Contractor will transfer the delivered Authorised Materials to the appropriate Processing Facility •The transfer of the segregated Materials to suitable merchants or re-processors. •The provision of a complete record of all Materials delivered, the interim processors/Outlets and the ultimate destination of each Material •Monthly analysis of the Materials carried out in accordance with the MRF Code of Practice. Lot 2 - Sunderland •The provision of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to process and sort collected Materials. •The provision of a suitable supporting Delivery Point(s) which will receive the Authorised Materials delivered by Sunderland Council and from which the Contractor will transfer the delivered Authorised Materials to the appropriate Processing Facility •The transfer of the segregated Materials to suitable merchants or re-processors. •The provision of a complete record of all Materials delivered, the interim processors/Outlets and the ultimate destination of each Material •Monthly analysis of the Materials carried out in accordance with the MRF Code of Practice. Lot 3 - South Tyneside Council •The provision of a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) to process and sort collected Materials. •South Tyneside will provide its own Recycling Transfer Station (delivery point) from which the Contractor will transfer the delivered Authorised Material to the appropriate processing Facility. (See further details in the introduction.) •The transfer of the segregated Materials to suitable merchants or re-processors. •The provision of a complete record of all Materials delivered, the interim processors/Outlets and the ultimate destination of each Material •Monthly analysis of the Materials carried out in accordance with the MRF Code of Practice. Tenderers may bid for one or all Lots. To apply for this opportunity please visit
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1 Possible Competitors