Contract for the Supply and Installation of an Optical Spectrum Analyser to the University of Birmingham
The University of Birmingham invites Quotation for supply of an optical spectrum analyser. Our application is in the domain of ultra-stable frequency transfer using quantum clocks, via fibres and at 1542nm. We are interested in both amplitude and phase information. As such we need not have large tuning range for the laser used in the instrument, a range from 1540-1572 nm is of interest. It should come with a built-in laser source. The resolution of the product should be equal to or better than 100MHz (0.8pm), 5MHz (0.04pm). The dynamic range should be better than 83dB for most of the frequency ranges. The close-in dynamic range should be better than 40dB @ +/- 0.1pm, better than 60dB @ +/- 0.4pm and better than 80dB @ +/- 6pm. The sweep speed should be faster than 30nm/s. The wavelength span range should cover 80pm to 82nm. General characteristics An optical spectrum analyser that has high accuracy as well as a fast sweep speed. Specification 1)The wavelength range should cover from 1540-1572 nm. 2)It should come with a built-in laser source. 3)The resolution of the product should be equal to or better than 100MHz (0.8pm), 5MHz (0.04pm). 4)The dynamic range should be better than 83dB for most of the frequency ranges. 5)The close-in dynamic range should be better than 40dB @ +/- 0.1pm, better than 60dB @ +/- 0.4pm and 80dB @ +/- 6pm. 6)The sweep speed should be faster than 30nm/s. 7)The wavelength span range should cover 80pm to 82nm. 8)Multi-channels and rectangular resolution filters are highly desirable features. 9)Internal absolute wavelength calibrator is also desired. 10)One-year warranty is expected.
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1 Possible Competitors