Contract for the supply of HII Research Analysis and Evaluation - Health Inequalities
We will produce two webinars over the contract period. These will be virtual sessions open to NHS providers and ICBs, aimed primarily at board members, senior leaders, and health inequalities leads. These events have been selected as they focus on areas of particular interest to our members and NHSE. • Co-production with communities as a solution to health inequalities - Thursday 8 February 2024. They will learn about the different models of co-production with communities and how these could be applied to the work at trust level. They will hear about the value of working with underserved communities to understand their experiences accessing healthcare services and how this can contribute to the wider agenda of reducing health inequalities; and discuss with others the enablers and blockers that trusts face when seeking to engage with communities in their service design and development. • Improving access and engagement for rural and coastal communities - Monday 25 March 2024. This webinar will explore the health inequalities experienced by rural and coastal communities and present examples of trustled interventions that have improved access to services, workforce recruitment and retention, and increased engagement with these populations. These discussions, followed by an interactive Q&A, will allow reflective dialogue between trust leaders to implement effective change for these communities. We will produce a report on co-production in design of equitable services. The report will build on the learnings from the webinar on 8th Feb, bringing together practical insights on the topic of coproduction and engagement with communities. We will share case studies from trusts that have effectively embedded co-production work, specifically around developing solutions to tackle health inequalities with communities. We will also provide recommendations for trust leaders on how to embed co-production principles in their own health inequalities work. An end of programme report will summarise the outputs we have delivered via our health inequalities programme in 2023/24 (Q4), outlining the level of impact and engagement with our members and any insights from members about barriers or challenges they are facing in this area. We will also create the opportunity for participants to collaborate and share best practice during this time by signposting to existing resources and examples of work that trusts are doing in this space and disseminating learning from our events.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors