Contract for Waste Collection, HWRC and Material Management and Street Cleansing Services
Southend-on-Sea City Council ("The Authority") is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced organisations for the provision of waste, recycling and environmental services in the Southend-on-Sea City Administrative Area. The services under the contract will include collection of waste and recycling; operation of a waste transfer station; haulage of residual and bulky waste to treatment/disposal sites; operation of household waste and recycling centres; managing materials collected at the kerbside, household waste and recycling centres and fly tipping including sale or disposal for recycling and/or treatment; and street cleansing. The Authority is conducting this procurement through the competitive dialogue procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) and its needs and requirements for the contract are included in the procurement documents published with this notice. Southend-on-Sea City Council ("The Authority") is a unitary council with responsibility for both waste collection and disposal. This contract is for the following services 1) Collection of waste and recycling a. Household Residual Waste collection; b. Household Dry Recycling collection; c. Household Food Waste collection; d. Household Garden Waste collection (chargeable service); e. Household Bulky Waste collection; f. Household Textiles collection; g. Household Small Electrical Appliances collection; h. Other non-domestic Waste and Recycling collection; i. Commercial Waste and Dry Recycling collection; j. Clinical Waste. 2) Operation of a waste transfer station 3) Operation of household waste and recycling centres 4) Managing materials a. Collected at the kerbside; b. HWRCs; c. Fly tipping; and d. Sale or disposal for recycling and/or treatment. 5) Street cleansing:- a. Litter and Detritus cleansing; b. Jet Washing; c. Bus shelters; d. Washing footpaths, alleyways, underpasses etc.; e. Weed control; f. Beaches and foreshores; g. Graffiti and fly-posting removal; h. Removal of fly-tipped materials and abandoned Waste; i. Hazardous Waste and chemical spills; j. Litter bins; k. Removal of seasonal fall; l. Shopping and other trolleys; m. Removal of dead animals; n. Rapid response and road traffic accidents; o. Special events; p. Removal of litter from lakes etc.; q. Deep cleansing/ chewing gum removal; r. Erection of signs. 6) Other Services: a. Management of Waste; b. Haulage of residual and bulky waste to treatment/disposal sites; c. Asset management; d. Contingency arrangements. The Contractor may also be required to make the following Anticipated Changes to the Services (but the Authority does not commit to introducing any such changes): (a) Public Toilet Cleansing (b) Free Garden Waste Collections (c) Food Waste Collections for flats above shops (d) Roll out of containers for weekly household waste collections
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors