Contract Name Vormetric Data Encryption - Cipher Trust
Currently SLC have an agreement to support and service their existing Data Encryption hardware manufactured by the company Thales. This includes a 24/7 on call agreement to provide technical support and in addition to provide any required spare parts for the Hardware if required. The primary reason for this tender for a replacement to the current operating system was the information provided to SLC by the current supplier Thales informing them the current hardware being used was becoming "end of life" meaning spares could no longer be obtained and as such could no longer be supported to be serviced. If the hardware was not "end of life" the requirements of this tender would be for a renewal of licences and hardware service and support, as per the previous tender, as the view from SLC Security personnel was the hardware was suitable for purpose. SLC undertook market research in order to ascertain the most appropriate replacement for the current hardware being used. Three options were looked at from a technical and commercial aspect: • Hardware • Virtual • Cloud After review, the Cloud option was identified as the preferred option from a technical perspective. This is in keeping with SLCs strategic approach to consider Cloud first. It is acknowledged that the Cloud approach is available from a number of manufacturers. However, in order to move away from the incumbent supplier, Thales, a project would require to be set up to explore other technology. Due to budget constraints it would not be possible to secure the budget for this discovery work. In order to ascertain the procurement route a desktop exercise was undertaken which highlighted that licences can be obtained via resellers within Framework Agreements. In addition, SLC made direct contact with the manufacturer of the Cloud product, Thales, to investigate if savings could be made by a direct award rather than via a framework re-seller. Thales explained they do not sell direct but only via framework providers. Therefore, the market engagement established that the re-seller market through existing Frameworks is the most effective approach to the market.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors