Contracting For Availability (CFA) for HMS PROTECTOR.
Repair and maintenance services of ships. Repair, maintenance, design support and logistics services of ships1. The Contracting Authority has a requirement for a Contracting for Availability (CFA) solution for the Royal Navy's Ice Patrol Ship, HMS PROTECTOR. The target date for contract award is June 2014 with the successful bidder providing the full availability from September 2014. The contract period is from September 2014 to June 2018.For operational reasons, expressions of interest will only be considered from economic operators based in member states of the European Union (EU).2. HMS PROTECTOR (formerly ‘MV Polar Bjorn') was designed and built in 2001 and provides a UK sovereign presence in the British Antarctic Territory and their surrounding maritime areas in order to meet the UK Treaty obligations under the Antarctic treaty system through inspections, hydrographical charting and support to scientific research.3. The Ship's basic details are as follows:Length: 89 metresBeam: 18 metresOperating draft: 8.35 metres (max)/ 7.25 metres as Ice BreakerGross Registered Tonnage: 4,985 tonnes4. The CFA arrangement will require the successful bidder to deliver a high level of availability, Material Available Ship Days (MASD), likely to be in the order of 334 days per year. The Royal Navy currently operates a three watch crew rotation system and the Ship currently operates in the Antarctic in the Austral Summer, and is required to be able to reach all coastal Ice Stations within the British Antarctic Territory during this period. The Ship will also be required to transit to and from the UK and may be tasked to operate in the Tropics. The Ship will be crewed by Royal Navy (RN) personnel, who will undertake certain basic maintenance. The Ship may need upgrades or modifications to carry RN equipment.5. The main elements of the CFA requirement, to be undertaken by the successful bidder, are as follows:a. Availability Management - Managing support and delivering MASD through defect rectification, safety management and special-to-type training,b. Safety Management – Support to the Ship's Safety Case and Naval Authority Key Hazard certification in accordance with JSP 430.c. Class Management – Responsibility for maintaining the Ship in Class (including Emergency Response) and undertaking the planned maintenance to achieve this (to include class dockings).d. Maintenance Management - Providing through life maintenance support and associated management tools.e. Supply Chain Management - Procurement and storage of corrective and maintenance spares, inventory management (to include codification) and distribution.f. Design Management - Performance monitoring, configuration management, maintenance review and design supportg. Capability Upgrade Management – Undertake potential capability upgrade investigations, design and integrate solutions as tasked by the Contracting authority.h. Capability Upgrade - Incorporate into the ship upgrades as tasked by the Contracting Authority, to include planning, oversight and acceptance into service, update of technical documentation.i. Obsolescence Management - Identification, management and removal of obsolescence.6. The successful bidder will be required to operate and maintain the on-board maintenance management systems.7. The successful bidder may be required to undertake other support activities as required by the Contracting Authority.8. The successful bidder will be required to have access to and operate the following Contracting Authority IT applications:a. Operational Defect (OPDEF) Management System (ODMS)b. Hazard & Risk Management System (HARMS)c. Unit Maintenance Management System (UMMS)9. It is the Contracting Authority's policy to only contract with companies operating and maintaining a Contracting Authority approved Quality Management System (QMS) which is demonstrated to meet the requirement. Bidders will be required to provide details of the QMS operated by them relating to both technical engineering management and project management business, both internally and externally through the supply chain. Bidders will be required to provide evidence of a valid ISO 9001:2008 certificate, or equivalent, from an accredited third party assessor (UKAS recognised) for themselves and, if appropriate, for their sub-contractors, or achieve accreditation in time for contract award. This certification must include an appropriate scope to meet the requirement.10. The successful bidder's personnel working in certain areas of the Ship will need to be security cleared to UK Security Check (SC) level. Non-UK Nationals working in these areas will need to be escorted and supervised by SC cleared UK Nationals.11. The Ship may be required to undertake military operations and the successful bidder will be subject to CONDO (Contractors On Deployed Operations) requirements.12. The Ship is currently in class with Det Norske Veritas (DNV). The successful bidder will be required to maintain the vessel in class with DNV to its current Class notation.
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CPV Codes
50241000 - Repair and maintenance services of ships
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors