Core Surgical Anatomy & General Surgical Skills Programmes
The specification covers the delivery of Core Surgery skills & Anatomy programme; General Surgery, Vascular Surgery and ENT skills programmes which provide systematic, structured hands-on experience in a number of index procedures for surgical trainees. From August 2021, surgical training has become outcomes based. Trainees will be assessed against the fundamental capabilities required of consultants. The new curricula are approved by the General Medical Council as the UK framework for surgical training. Surgical training is arranged into three phases, each phase having a critical progression point at its end, where evidence of acquisition of capability to a level described in the curriculum is necessary for progression to the next phase or for certification. Phase 1 is delivered during Core Surgical training. Higher surgical trainees enter Phase 2 at ST3, and Phase 3 at ST7. Times spent in each phase are indicative, 4 years for Phase 2 and 2 years for Phase 3, where the great majority of trainees will be expected to complete training. However, trainees will be able to progress faster through training if they demonstrate the necessary capability. In London, there are approximately 190 core surgery trainees, 210 general surgery trainees, 50 vascular surgery trainees, and 78 ENT trainees currently in active placement. The Core Surgery skills & Anatomy programme sessions are aligned to the MRCS curriculum and go beyond this to facilitate an understanding of surgical anatomy and clinically relevant physiology and pathology. The General Surgery skills training is expected to be delivered from ST3 to and including ST8. The laboratory environment complements clinical training, both for technical and non-technical skills. This skills training should be consultant-led involving a brief presentation followed by hands-on experience with synthetic, ex-vivo, digital and high-fidelity models on the bench to include laparoscopic, endoscopic and endovascular simulators. Cadaveric training should also be offered for those in ST7 and ST8. Emphasis is heavily placed on the practical side of skills training. Further details and the tender documents can be download from the link below.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors