Corporate Backup Solution.
Dorset County Council are seeking to replace its current backup solution, the requirement is for the solution to be able to backup its entire backend server infrastructure with 1 that meets all the documented requirements below.— The solution is initially required to backup 45Tb of data with a 6 month retention cycle.(30 Daily's, 6 Monthly's)— The estimated growth rate for 5 years data is 120 %, so a total solution of 100Tb— The contract for the solution is 4 years with an additional 1 year option— There are 90 physical servers in the Primary data centre— There are 350 virtual machines running on 13 ESX 5.1 hosts— The solution should be able to backup all the operating systems and software listed in the overview section of the tender.— The proposed solution will need to replicate to the councils DR site which is located within the data centre at Hampshire County Council— There are 30 remote servers located around the County which require backing up to the data centre— The DR environment consists of 9 ESX hosts containing 51 virtual servers and 8 physical servers— There are also around 90 workstations (PC) located at various sites around the county which require backing up to the data centre, these sites have various link speeds with the lowest at 1Mb synchronous— An EMC VNX5300 NAS is used for the councils file data and is backed up via the NDMP protocol.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72910000 - Computer back-up services
48710000 - Backup or recovery software package
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors