Corporate Power Purchase Agreement for the University of Manchester
The University of Manchester wish to purchase the provision of a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement for the supply of Renewable Energy for their campus. The University of Manchester (UoM) intends to transform its electricity consumption to 100% renewable energy whilst supporting the development of additional renewable energy generation in Great Britain. UoM intends to: (a) procure a CPPA with a renewable energy (wind and/or solar) generator to deliver 50 GWh-60 GWh of power per annum; (b) ensure that the renewable energy CPPA satisfies the 'Additionality' criteria asset out by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Therefore, the project(s) must be prior to renewable generation construction and UoM's offtake will need to substantively contribute to the project(s) securing final investment decision and/or financial close.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors