COV - Sex Workers Support Service (2023)
Coventry City Council would like to re-commission a service which supports:•on street sex workers (residing and or working in CV1 to CV6) to access the services they need to obtain and retain stable housing, access drug services and access and retain drug substitution prescriptions, access health care at an early rather than acute stage thereby enabling them to exit the sex work industry•a reduction in the number of children born to this cohort and where the individual becomes pregnant to support them to either access a termination, engage with social care to keep their child or through the child removal process•the prevention and control of outbreaks of infectious disease such as Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Infections.•sex workers to recognise that they are victims of modern slavery and enabling them to provide police intelligence to identify modern slavery rings and provide court evidence where relevant
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors