COV - Woodlands Redevelopment - Main Contractor - AWARD
The Council are proposing to redevelop the site of the former Woodlands School back to educational use and thus, extending the lifespan of the existing decanted group of buildings on the site. Buildings on site are grade 2 listed and are in various states of condition and repair, requiring specialist attention from English Heritage and Conservations Officer, in order to cater for future redevelopment proposals. The number of pupils requiring a place in special provision is growing, specifically in secondary. The number of pupils with Education Healthcare Plans (EHCP) has been growing in line with the birth rate, the larger primary school cohorts are now moving through to secondary meaning additional special secondary provision is required. The requirement for the capacity of the new school is based on the existing school sites. Split between 88 secondary space and 44 primary, 132 spaces are expected but will allow the school to expand further as additional places are required Woodfield School is currently on a split site with the primary phase on Stoneleigh Road and Secondary phase on Hawthorne Lane. Current recommendation is that both phases of Woodfield School to be relocated onto the new site, be the main occupant and driver of the new education development where the provision of SEN are able to function across all Key Stages whilst maintaining the quality of provision. Current Woodfield school's provisions are not adequate to unify these divisions on one campus. Redevelopment of the woodlands site resolves these issues. Woodfield School is in the process of being converted to become part of the Sidney Stringer MAT portfolio. The redevelopment works will be completed, and the finished buildings leased to SSMAT with the current Woodfield Schools sites being returned to CCC for disposal.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
45214200 - Construction work for school buildings
45000000 - Construction work
45214000 - Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors