Covid -19 Rehabilitation Beds
This Award Notice is a extension to the Contract that was awarded under notice 2020/S 100-243393.The Covid-19 outbreak has given rise to an urgent need to commission services to support discharges from acute hospitals, including the commissioning of therapy services to support patients discharged to their own homes or to discharge to assess beds.Under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Contracting Authority considers COVID-19 to be a state of urgency that has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen.Although it seems that the worst phase of the Covid-19 pandemic has passed (1st and 2nd wave), its direct and indirect impacts such as reduced acute bed capacity, workforce issues, fragile social care market continue to put the health system under an unprecedent high level of pressure which coupled with uncertainty regarding funding arrangements for the next 6-12 months is making an already challenging situation even more challenging and complex.Accordingly, the Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG (HSIOW CCG) decided to further extend its contract with Hobbs Rehabilitation until 31st March 2022 using the 'competitive procedure without prior publication for reasons of extreme urgency', brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak.Under the contract extension, Hobbs Rehabilitation will provide occupational therapy and physiotherapy to patients discharged to discharge to assess beds across the North and Mid Hampshire area from 9am-5pm 5 days a week however, it is expected the provider shall adapt those hours when required in line with care home handovers. The Provider shall provide comprehensive rehabilitation for this patient group to facilitate accelerated discharge into home.The total maximum contract value up until 31st March 2022 will be £2.52M however, this may fluctuate due to unknown demand and uncertainty in managing surge and associated funding.This PCR Regulation 32 Contract Award notice is being published to notify the award of the contract until 31st March 2022. This time is considered necessary and proportional to alleviate the direct and indirect risks posed by the Covid-19 outbreak and will give the above named Contracting Authority sufficient time to comply with undertaking a compliant competitive procurement process under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors