CP1903-20 — Adult Safeguarding and Mental Capacity Act Training (DCC) and (DSAP)Courses
Devon County Council and Devon Safeguarding Adult Partnership are commissioning for a contract for adult safeguarding and mental capacity act training courses within the Devon footprint. This procurement is split into two lots: Lot 1(a): Adults Safeguarding Training Devon County Council (DCC), 1(b): Adults Safeguarding Training Devon Safeguarding Adult Partnership (DSAP); Lot 2(a): Mental Capacity Act training Devon County Council (DCC), 2(b): Mental Capacity Act training Devon Safeguarding Adult Partnership (DSAP). Background and context: The Care Act (2014) puts adult safeguarding on a legal footing and requires each local authority to set up a Safeguarding Adults Board with core membership from the local authority, the Police and the NHS (specifically local Clinical Commissioning Group/s). Within Devon this is referred to as Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership (DSAP). The members of DSAP and DCC — Adult services are committed to working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. As partner organisations we must ensure that employees and staff understand their role and responsibilities regarding safeguarding adults, their families or carers and the wider safeguarding agenda, and are also competent and well-trained in meeting their overarching safeguarding duty of care to those for whom we either care for, and, where necessary, to take action for safeguarding and crime prevention purposes. The DSAP and DCC — Adult services have a key role in promoting effective training and considering any specialist training that may be required to enhance the effectiveness of service delivery of both professionals and others involved in the safeguarding of adults living in Devon.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80511000 - Staff training services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors