CP1098-14 Buildings Based Day Services - Entry point 16
ENTRY POINT 16 . The Council’s Community Life Choices Strategy recommended the modernisation of day services to include modernised Buildings Based Day Services, particularly for people with more complex needs, offering more choice and better integration within local communities. Therefore in line with the recommendations the Council has developed a new service specification for the delivery of Buildings Based Day Centres. This new specification has lead the Council to take the decision to develop a Preferred Supplier List (PSL). A PSL is a standing list of providers who have successfully completed and passed this Quality Assurance Questionnaire (QAQ). Providers who are on this list are not guaranteed any work, however they will be the only providers who the Council will directly place individuals. The Day Centres which are promoted to the list shall be the only Buildings Based Day Centres in which the Council will directly commission these services with, however there can be no guaranteed number of placements. The Council will use PSL as a method in which we can offer service user choice. The PSL will contain the details of what the Day Centre offers, what the cost of a session is and also any additional optional costs for services they offer. The Council’s Community Life Choices Strategy recommended the modernisation of day services to include modernised Buildings Based Day Services, particularly for people with more complex needs, offering more choice and better integration within local communities.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors