CP1946-20 Maintenance and Improvement of Public Rights of Way Framework 2021-25
Devon County Council (DCC) are looking to procure a framework agreement for the maintenance and improvement works to approximately 5 000 km of Public Rights of Way (PROW) (comprising footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways), 230 km of off-road recreational trail network (for example, the Tarka Trail) and 590 km of minor road network (mainly unmetalled) including the South West Coast Path National Trial for which it is responsible along with the areas covered by the Stover Country Park and Grand Western Canal Country Park. The historic annual spend for this work has been approximately GBP 1.5 million.It is intended that the framework agreement will operate over a four year period operating in eight geographical areas throughout Devon (based on District Council Boundaries) and comprise two lots as follows:Lot 1 — Work activities which will include vegetation clearance and typical maintenance and improvement activities (Service Group 1)Lot 2 — Work activities involving the use of chainsaw equipment including tree works (up to 380 mm diameter and ground based works only) (Service Group 2).The main works to be delivered under the arrangement are typically but not limited to seasonal vegetation cutting, ground based tree works, sign and waymarker installation, gate installation, surface maintenance (mostly compacted stone or natural surfaces, drainage and ditch maintenance, bridge maintenance (replacing decking and handrails) and the like.DCC wishes to appoint a number of appropriately skilled and competent contractors to the framework agreement who can be called upon to undertake the maintenance and improvement works up to a value of GBP 100 000 per scheme. The historic average value of works orders is approximately GBP 2 700 and range from GBP 20 to GBP 50 000 plus (based on 2019/20 data).Bidders may elect to operate in one or more, or all of the geographical areas and may bid for either one or both lots.Bidders may elect to price items of plant and equipment which are applicable to both lots (Service Group 3) where they can provide (including hiring) and operate (in accordance with the stated health and safety requirements within the procurement documentation) each item of plant/equipment. Rates entered into Service Group 3 do not form part of the tender price evaluation but may be used as part of the selection process for individual call offs.In some limited circumstances some of the works below GBP 100 000 to the PROW network may be undertaken by landowners, volunteers and/or DCC staff outside of this arrangement.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors