CP2253-22 Specialist Stop Smoking Service
The principal aim of the service is to support residents to stop smoking using a proportionate universalism approach offering universal access for all with more targeted support for groups and areas experiencing the poorest health outcomes. The service will be innovative to adapt service delivery to meet the needs of diverse communities and have a strong presence and visibility with stakeholders and potential clients. To increase reach and capacity the service will provide training and support to trained advisors and other professional workforces in a variety of settings. Whilst the main focus of the service will be to provide stop smoking support it is recognised that other health harming behaviours also impact on poorer health outcomes. The service must therefore provide brief advice and information around other health and wellbeing issues in a holistic way and signpost to other relevant services and information.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors