CPD122 - 21-22 - 124 - Independent Panel for the Evaluation of City Deal, Growth Deal and Devolution Deals Interventions and Related Services - Pre-Market Engagement
CPD122 - 21-22 - 124 - Independent Panel for the Evaluation of City Deal, Growth Deal and Devolution Deals Interventions and Related Services Pre-Tender Market Engagement Framework Agreement for the provision of an Independent Panel for the Evaluation of City Deal, Growth Deal and Devolution Deals Interventions and Related Services MCHLG has a full "Pre-Market Engagement" document pertaining to "CPD122 - 21-22 - 124 - Independent Panel for the Evaluation of City Deal, Growth Deal and Devolution Deals Interventions and Related Services". If your organisation would like to see the access this document please email Please note that MHCLG will be holding a "Supplier Clarification Call" on Friday 3rd September from 13:30 - 15:00. The purpose of the "Supplier Clarification Call" is for interested organisations to ask questions about any of the information contained within this document. If your organisation would like to attend the "Supplier Clarification Call" please email by 17:00 Thursday 2nd September. - 1.1This Pre-Tender Market Engagement (PTME) seeks information in preparation for the potential procurement of a Supplier (from herein referred to as a "Potential Supplier") to provide independent monitoring and evaluation services for the Government's City Deal, Growth Deal and Devolution Deals. 1.2The purpose of this Service Specification (the Specification) is to set out MHCLG's requirement for the establishment of an independent academic advisory panel (the Panel) for the economic impact evaluation of locally-appraised growth interventions (referred to as Gateway Reviews). In particular, those interventions financed through Investment Funds established as part of City, Growth and Devolution Deals, but also potentially including a wider range of linked funds and interventions, where relevant in specific places. Thirteen UK localities (from herein referred to as "Areas") have to date agreed devolved funds with Government. 1.3In establishing the Panel, the Potential Supplier will provide assessment and advice to MHCLG based on the following: (a) the revised National Evaluation Framework which will be common to all Areas under Review and include Performance Indicators agreed by MHCLG, and (b) bespoke local monitoring and evaluation frameworks (the Local Frameworks), reflecting as appropriate the key differences between the Localities, the types of local growth projects they are funding and, where relevant, how this investment works with other funding streams locally to invest in economic growth. These frameworks will outline the data the Localities will need to gather, which the Panel will use to inform the Gateway Reviews 1.4The potential supplier will have responsibility for: 1.4.1Convening an Independent Academic Advisory Panel to oversee the governance, project and impact assessments undertaken and provided by the Areas
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1 Possible Competitors