CPD-004-122-023-National Body for Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs)
This requirement is for a new two-and-a-half-year contract for an organisation to act as a national body for HIAs on an England-wide basis. HIAs are typically locally based, non-profit services, providing around 50% of Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs). , We are seeking to ensure coverage of vital national body support to HIAs as well as all local authorities – both in the 71% of local areas in England that have HIA coverage and for local authorities that administer DFGs in house - to help drive efficiency, effectiveness and value for money in local DFG delivery. Government funding for the DFG in 2021-22 totals £573 million. , We are therefore seeking proposals from Tenderers that can demonstrate the necessary expertise and experience to:, •act as a centre of expertise and central point of coordination for all local authorities and HIAs;, •provide expert information, advice, training and accreditation to local authorities, HIAs and the wider home adaptations sector around their DFG delivery; , •help promote the integration of housing, health and social care through sharing best practice around the inclusion of home adaptations in local strategies, commissioning and investment planning;, •represent the sector, co-ordinate views and offer leadership as well as steering the sector in dealings with outside stakeholders, including Government; , •maintain websites and social media, which should include a publicly available database of all HIA services available in England, e-Newsletters, e-Bulletins, e-Briefings, reports and sharing good practice guides;, •gather front-line intelligence around local DFG delivery across England for Government and develop, maintain and analyse the data; and, •provide insight to inform MHCLG about the home adaptations policy delivery landscape and advise on policy development around home adaptations as required.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors