CPQ2205-22 - A Clean Growth Vision for Development in Teignbridge
Devon County Council's (DCC) Economy, Enterprise and Skills team intends to procure a joint standalone piece of work between itself and on behalf of Teignbridge District Council, with the scope to potentially extend part of this work to incorporate some elements relevant to other Councils in the GESP partnership (Exeter, Mid Devon and East Devon).r r This work will replicate key themes of a previous piece of work that DCC commissioned in 2021 for and jointly with East Devon District Council - A Clean Growth Vision for Development in East Devon, but will be tailored to the specific needs and opportunities related to Teignbridge.r r The key aims of this work are to provide a source of evidence for Teignbridge and DCC planners and Economic Development practitioners to shape and design relevant interventions and capture strategic, business, economic and skills opportunities around the clean growth agenda, in line with the move towards net zero, developments in the wider global, national, regional and local business landscape and in line with current and emerging UK Government, regional and local policy.r r A supporting aim of this work is to produce a short summary shaped as a prospectus to business and Government, highlighting the clean growth opportunities within Teignbridge and the surrounding area where relevant, encouraging investment that will enable Teignbridge and its partners to realise opportunities and their ambitions in this field.r r Current intentions are to procure this work for the Teignbridge area and use budgets from and related to Teignbridge matched to the DCC contribution, but ensure that this work notes strategic links to areas outside of the Teignbridge boundary. Discussions are currently taking place with other partner councils as to whether there is willingness to extend this work to include other areas outside of the Teignbridge boundary, although given discussions to date it is currently expected that this work will only relate to Teignbridge. Should an extension of scope happen then the budgetary amount may increase and the title of the work will change to incorporate other geographies. A total budget of up to £40,000 has been mooted for this piece of work currently for Teignbridge, but with the expectation that a final procurement may come in slightly under the full amount.
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CPV Codes
79311400 - Economic research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors